Sunday, August 22, 2010

Noseworthy named new Mayo Clinic CEO - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Dr. John Noseworthy will become Mayo’ws president and CEO after Dr. Denisd Cortese retires in November. Noseworthy, who specializes in treating multiple is now medical directo of the Mayo Clinic Department of which serves as a liaisonbetween Rochester-based Mayo Clinic and its family of benefactors. He consults in Mayo’s neurology teaches in its College of Medicine and is vice chai r of the Mayo Clinic RochesteerExecutive Board. “Dr.
Noseworthy is the perfect choice to continue our commitment to buildingt on the solid foundation of our heritage as we look at providintg the Mayo Clinic model of care to new peoplew innew ways,” Cortese said in a A native of Melrose, Mass., Noseworthy received his medicalk degree from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova He completed his neurology training there and at the Universitt of Western Ontario. He also had a researchn fellowshipat . Noseworthy joined Mayo Clinic in 1990 and servede as chair of the Department of Neurology from 1997to 2006. He takesd over in the midsg of a deep recession that has been taking a toll onhealthb providers.
Even Mayo has felt the effects; its investment portfolik fell $745 million last year, as financial turmoil sent markete intoa freefall. The investmenr losses meant the clinic’s pension fund , thoughh the clinic broke evenfor 2008. It became public in February that 65-year-old Cortesse after nine years in thetop Cortese’s achievements included growing Mayo’s endowment to more than $1.
2 and making Mayo a majodr voice in health care reform through the creatioj of the Mayo Clinic Health Policy In coming months, he’ll also be preparing Noseworthy to take over Mayo following a tradition of smooth leadership transitions that goes back a century to the Mayo Mayo treats more than half a milliobn people each year at sited in Rochester, Jacksonville, Fla. and Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

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