Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blues want to bring NHL All-Star Game to St. Louis - Business First of Buffalo:
Dave Checketts, chairman of Blues ownere , sent an official letter of application to the last week to host the NHL game as earltyas 2011. The Bluees have been on the upswing, both on the ice and in the the past couple of yeardunder Checketts, CEO Peter McLoughlin and President John They finished this season with their firsg trip to the Stanley Cup playoffsw since the 2004-2005 player lockout. New York-baserd SCP is also working to renovatethe long-closed , adjacent to , into a first-class entertainment venue by December 2010. Earlier this month, the St. Louia Board of Aldermen to reopen the theaterr andconcert hall. The plan includexs $16 million of private equity, $28.
6 milliohn in tax credits and $29 millio n in revenue bonds issued by the city and backedd by proceeds from the 5 percent tax on tickete and events atScottrade Center. The league tends to award the All-Stadr Game to franchises that have new venues or are gettinv hot onthe ice. So localp developments, combined with Checketts’ close relationship with NHL Commissioner Gary should bode well fora St. Loui All-Star bid. The city last hosted an NHL All-Starr Game in 1988. The NHL will not hold an All-Sta r Game next year due to the 2010 Wintedr Olympicsin Vancouver. The next game is tentatively schedule to be hosted by thein Ariz. in 2011.
But the Coyotes have filex for bankruptcy protection anda U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge set a schedule Monday to auction the team beginning Aug. 5 to bidders interested in keeping the team in If a satisfactory bid doesnot emerge, a second auctioj will begin Sept. 10 for bidders interestecd in relocatingthe team. Bidder Jim Balsillie wants to move the team to Ontarioin Canada. If the team the NHL would pick another city to host the2011 All-Starr Game, and St. Louis could be a Checketts said if the 2011 game is not played he will still push fora St. Louiz date in 2012 or beyond.

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