Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stanford, five others indicted by grand jury - Sacramento Business Journal:

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Included in the indictment is Stanford, who ran Houston-based ; Laura Pendergest-Holt, chief investment officer; Gilberto Lopez, chie f accounting officer; Mark Kuhrt, global controller for an affiliatd company; and Leroy King, administrator and chief executive officerdfor Antigua’s Financial Services Regulatory Commission. AP reported that a separate indictment unsealed in Florida accuses anotherStanford worker, Brucre Perraud, of destroying records important to the Stanford, who continues to deny the charges, surrendereds to the in Virginia on June 18, according to AP, and appeared in court Friday in Virginiqa when the indictment was handed down in Another Stanford executive, James Davis, chief financial in April agreed to cooperate with federal and is not part of the though criminal charges have been filed, accordinb to the AP.
The filed civiol charges in February, Stanford and two of his top executiveas of allegedly orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme involving the saleof $8 billion worth of certificateds of deposit. Friday’s indictment charges that Pendergest-Holt, Lopez, Kuhrt and along with Davis: • Used deceptivew methods when purchasing and sellingthe CDs. Robery Khuzami, the enforcement director for the Securities andExchangd Commission, said investigators have built "ab impressive criminal case from the rubble of this massive If convicted of all chargesd in the 21-count indictment, Stanford could face as much as 250 years in officials said.
The indictment charged that Stanford and other executives at his firm falsely claimed to havegrown $1.2 billion in assets in 2001 to roughl $8.5 billion by the end of 2008, whiler Stanford allegedly steered money into a personalp account. Dick DeGuerin, Stanford's lawyer, said in a writtenh statement that Stanfordwas "confident that a fair jury will find him not guiltyy of any criminal The Stanford Victims Coalition expressedf relief that the indictments were handed down, but in a statement Fridah said there is still much more information to be revealede to explain what happened “to the life savings of 4,5000 Americans and another 23,500 victims” worldwide.
“These actions today do not help us recovedr our savings that took decades to thestatement said. To see a copy of the .

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