Friday, April 1, 2011

Tech sector finds mixed bag in Phoenix, U.S. firms cut payroll - Memphis Business Journal:
A study released Monday by Challenger, Gray & Christmasz found that tech industry layoffs in the second quarterf amountedto 33,891 in the U.S., a 60 percent drop from the firstg quarter. The study also found the second-quarter job cuts were abour equal to the second quartereof 2008, before the worst of the financiakl crisis rocked the economy. The locakl technology sector has been upand down, depending on the according to Arizona Workforce, a research publication by the Arizona Departmentt of Commerce. Computer and electronic partes manufacturers droppedabout 1,200 jobs from May 2008 to but aerospace manufacturers adder about 500.
Also down was which shed about 1,609 jobs in the Phoenix area from May 2008 to and professional, scientific and technicaol services, which lost nearly 10 percen t of the sector’s May 2008 work forc e of roughly 101,000 in the past year. At the same the report shows that losses from Aprik to May were much smaller or flat in most ofthosed sectors. “The downturn in the economy has affecter each sector ofthe high-tech industry said Jim Garnett, executive directot for TechAmerica in Phoenix. “In a recent rankingb by the Bureau ofLabord Statistics, while Arizona’s manufacturing employment is down over the year by 5.
1 the state had one of the smallest percentagde losses compared to all states. From April to May, computert and electronic parts lost 200 jobs whild aerospace gained300 jobs,” he said. Althoughg the rate of layoffs appears tobe slowing, the U.S. tech industru lost 118,108 jobs in the first six months of the largest decline in the pastseven

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