Wednesday, September 21, 2011

State lost 16,000 jobs in the last year - Wichita Business Journal:
percent decrease, according to a new reporrt fromthe . The result is a state unemploymeny rateof 6.2 up from 4 percent last year. The Wichita Metropolitan Statistical Area reporte an unemployment rate of6 percent, up from 3.7 And although the statewide rate actually fell 0.2 percengt from January, the local rate increasesd by 0.1 percent. These rates equate to 19,300 out of work in the area accordint tothe report. “Kansas experiencexd significant over-the-year job losses in February,” says Labor Economist Inayat Noorohmad.
“Although a year-to-year loss of 16,600 jobs is the month-to-month decline of 1,200 jobs is not as bad as Noorohmad says these numbers indicate the state is losingfewere jobs. But the report’s findings regardintg unemployment claims show people are staying out of work longer and continuing to collect unemploymenft benefitshe says. There were 23,980 initialk claims for unemployment benefits in downfrom 26,744 initial claimw last month. However it was a significangt increase from February whichsaw 10,486 initial claims.

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