Thursday, September 15, 2011

Unisys extends debt exchange deadline - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The latest extension moves the deadlinre to midnight Wednesday from midnightlast Friday. It was midnighgt May 28 when Unisys announced the offer onAprilo 30. The Blue Bell, Pa.-based information-technologty company is trying to get holders of four sets of senior notes to exchange them in a private placement for new seniod secured notes thatpay 12.625 percent interesy and are due 2014. The senio r notes eligible for the offerare 6.875 perceng notes due in 2010; 8 perceng notes due 2012; 8.5 percent notes due and 12.5 percent notes due 2016.
In additio to the senior secured notes due holders of the senior notes due 2010 also will receiver cash and holders of the senior notes due 2015 and 2016 can also buy additiona senior secured notes inthe exchange. Unisys won’t issue more than $375 millionj of the new seniorsecured notes. Unisyds (NYSE:UIS) said that $35.8 million of the 2010 notes, $33.r million of the 2012 notes, $600,00o0 of the 2015 note and $3.4 million of the 2016 notes had been tendered as of the closed ofbusiness Friday. That’s $73.3 million, up only $100,0009 from the total tendered twoweeke previously, when Unisys last extended the offer.
The compan said it and its representatives are continuing to talk to representativesd of senior note holders regardingthe offering.

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