Monday, March 28, 2011

Kansas Health Policy Authority will cut 14 jobs - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
According to a release, 13 stafv members were informed Friday that their jobs woulbe eliminated, effective July 2. Authority spokesman Peter Hancock said in an interviewe Monday that the policy director positio n also will be eliminatecd as executive staff positions are reduced from five to Barb Langner will move out of that position to servwe as actingMedicaid director, according to the Hancock said that the authority’ss operational budget has been cut by $3.5 milliohn for the fiscal year that begins July 1.
Accordinbg to the release, the authority also is reducing spending with the contracto that processes claims for payment under Medicaid and theStatre Children’s Health Insurance Program. That move is expecter to save $3.6 million. Savings from the contract reductions are sharex with thefederal government, which funds more than half of Medicaidc administrative costs, according to the release. The authority is responsible for coordinatinbg a statewide health policy agendsa that incorporates effective purchasing and administration with healtypromotion strategies.
All health insurance purchasing by the state is combined under the The authority also is responsiblwe for compiling and distributing uniformn health care data to provide healthcare payers, providers and policy-makersx with information regarding trends in the use and cost of healthy care for improved decision making.

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